In this section of our website we’ve included case studies that demonstrate the results other businesses have seen through using our services.

APMSGroup is an engineering company that provides maintenance, specialised engineering and welding to the mining and industrial sector. The business was looking for a cost effective web presence that also helped them stand out amongst the competition.

Apms Group Perth

One of the key elements that makes the APMSGroup website stand out amongst its competitors is the use of strong commercial photography throughout the site. We worked in conjunction with Matt from Perth Product Photography to achieve an industrial look and feel using high quality photos without an americanised stock photography feel.

We’re strong advocates of good quality and professional website photography – Matt uses the APMSGroup website to demonstrate the power commercial photography can have on the look and feel of your site. Click here to see the example.

Some of the specific services we provided as part of this project include:

  • Wordpress Website Development
  • SEO & Google Adwords Management services

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