SEO & Search Engine Marketing that Actually Works!

Our approach to search engine optimisation in a nutshell:

  • Strategies that are commercially viable, easy to understand and that actually work
  • No sneaky lock-in contracts
  • No too good to be true ranking guarantees powered by shady tactics
  • Search marketing that works long term (no short term tactics that risk Google penalising you long term)

About Us

We’re specialists in SEO and search engine marketing for Perth & WA based businesses.

Through our in-person workshops, our services and one on one consulting we’ve worked with over 2000 businesses since we started in 2008.

Today we actively manage the online assets for several hundred businesses and work with clients across a range of different industries, B2B, B2C and ecommerce.

Our clients range from solopreneur businesses doing $100k-$500k a year in revenue, right up to businesses doing several hundred million dollars a year.

Client Results

Instead of us banging on about how amazing and wonderful we are, here’s a look at some of our client results that we’re allowed to share with you so you can judge for yourself.

These sites are live right now with real rankings, feel free to Google the focus searches for these examples and see the results in Google. We can provide even more examples and case studies if you’re still not convinced!

Ecommerce SEO for Didgeridoo Breath in Fremantle

Seo Results For Didgeridoo Breath In Fremantle is a Perth based Didgeridoo store that has both a retail store and an online store that ships worldwide (in fact it’s the biggest didgeridoo store in the world!)

Result Highlights:

  • Top 3 Google rankings worldwide for the terms “didgeridoo” and “didgeridoos”
  • Number 1 spots in Google and Bing for “buy didgeridoo”, “buy a didgeridoo” and similar
  • Top 3 positions for hundreds of other product terms
  • Implementation of a customer review and feedback strategy that has generated 400+ Facebook reviews and over 40 Google Local reviews

Small Business SEO: Perth Product Photography

Small Business Search Engine Optimisation For Perth Product Photography

Perth Product Photography is a Perth based photography studio that specialises product photography.

Result Highlights:

  • Number 1 spot for “product photographer perth” and similar searches
  • Top 3 positions Australia-wide for terms such as “wine bottle photographer” and other specialist photography terms that apply to services that can be provided Australia-wide
  • Top 3 positions for terms such as “ecommerce photography perth”, “jewellery photography perth” and a number of other terms relating to services the business provides

Tourism/Small Business SEO: Rotorvation Helicopters

Tourism Seo And Sem

Rotorvation Helicopters offer a variety of services including helicopter pilot training and lessons, charter helicopter services and scenic helicopter flights.

Result Highlights:

The number 1 position in Google for all searches relevant to the business, for example “helicopter flights perth”, “helicopter lessons perth”, “charter helicopters perth” and hundreds more

International Finance Company

Seo For Finance Company

Unfortunately we can’t share this client’s name – it’s a specialist finance company that works with clients all over the world.

Result Highlights:

This client already ranked very high for a number of highly competitive terms however in less than three months we were able to increase their organic traffic (ie SEO traffic) by over 50%

Ecommerce SEO: Didgeridoo Dojo

Ecommerce Seo For Didgeridoo Dojo is another business run by Didgeridoo Breath. It’s an online lessons portal that teaches people all over the world how to play the didgeridoo.

Result Highlights:

The number 1 position in Google worldwide for all terms relevant to learning the didgeridoo, for example “didgeridoo lessons”, “learn the didgeridoo”, “how to play didgeridoo”, “advanced didgeridoo lessons” and so forth.

Professional Services: A Little Ray of Sunshine Business Consultants

Seo For Professional Services Firm

A Little Ray of Sunshine is a Perth-based business consultancy that helps businesses big and small with business strategy and growth.

Result Highlights:

Top 3 positions  in Google for searches such as “business consultants perth”, “business coach perth” and so forth. These are highly competitive terms with several aggressive competitors but usually the client ranks number 1 for their target search terms.

Our simple, no-nonsense approach to SEO…

When we started doing in-person workshops in 2009/2010 we were spending a whole bunch of time explaining to businesses that they even needed a website! In 2018 we’re well past that point.

I probably don’t need to tell you that having a strong online presence and a proactive online marketing strategy is one of the key components of a successful business (online or offline) and for most small businesses, it’ll make or break the business.

Online marketing can be confusing at first and yes, some of the fine detail tech stuff can be quite complicated..BUT, when you break things down into their individual building blocks it’s actually quite simple:

1. You need a fast loading website

2. …that looks good and has real photos of your products, people and premises

3. …that explains what you do and what you sell in enough detail so that someone can buy or get in touch if you’re a good fit

4….coupled with a strategy that gets you and your website in front of a prospective customer wherever they are online, whether that’s Google, Facebook or somewhere else.

5. …and probably the bit that most often gets missed, a clear way for those people to get in touch and get started, also known as a strong offer and call to action.

Unfortunately most of the web industry has made big business of out making the process of marketing online complex when it’s actually this simple.

The Strategy We’re Using in 2018

It’s critical that you at least understand the big picture of your online marketing strategy and are at least clear on the end goal – you don’t sell keywords, you sell products and services so what do you actually want to sell? Once you’re clear on the big picture it’s easy to build a simple to understand, logical strategy to achieve that along with a clear action plan.

If you’re looking to do more with your website I’d urge you to set aside 30 minutes and listen to the audio below. It’s a podcast episode where we break down the exact strategy we’re using with our clients in 2018 to rank them higher in Google, get more visitors to their website and turn more of those visitors into customers.


Click on the button to play. Alternatively, right click here and save the MP3 audio to download and play later.

Important: We Are Not For Everyone

It’s important that I’m clear that we’re not for everyone. We have three main criteria or boxes that each client needs to check to get value from our services.

1. You need to have an existing, active and healthy business

We generally only work with established businesses with existing momentum. Typically your minimum revenue needs to be in the $500k-$1mil/year range to see benefit from our services.

We don’t work with brand new businesses or startups largely because it’s incredibly difficult and costly to get a business from zero to one but much easier to get from 1 to 10.

2. Your client acquisition numbers need to work!

SEO and search engine marketing is all about the big picture and ultimately when successful, you spend a dollar and get 5x back or 10x, 20x or 50x

There is a perception that SEO is free so it’s the best and Google Adwords or Facebook Ads are bad because you pay for them. This approach misses the bigger picture.

SEO isn’t free as it takes time, money, energy, attention and resources to make an SEO strategy and campaign work effectively. The days of stuffing a keywords meta tag full of words and ranking are long gone!

It’s important that you have a good grasp on your numbers in the sense that you know roughly how profitable a new customer or a new sale is to you. With those numbers at least somewhat clear, you can work out how much you can spend to acquire that customer and thus your marketing budget!

3. A good, solid product or service and a good reputation.

A concept that we teach in our workshops and training is that the web amplifies sentiment. A good online marketing strategy makes a good business look great, an average business look more average and a bad business look worse.

Ultimately your product or service needs to result in happy customers on a consistent basis. Unfortunately can’t help you if you’re in a questionable space (e.g. gambling, get rich quick, adult themed) or your business has a reputation problem.

Work with us…

If we sound like we’re a good fit for you, fill out the form below to arrange a free, no obligation consult with one of our team.

If you can provide some details on what you’re looking to achieve, where you’re at right now and your approximate monthly budget we can take a quick look at your site and where you’re at and schedule in a time to discuss in more detail. We look forward to hearing from you!


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