Title Tag & Meta Description Writer

This tool is a title tag and meta description optimiser tool. The tool is inspired by the Yoast SEO plugin for Wordpress which offers this SERP preview functionality in the Wordpress backend when you’re editing a page.

That’s great for Wordpress but most ecommerce sites run on an ecommerce platform so don’t have this functionality

How the tool works

Firstly, please keep in mind that this tool is effectively a beta version so it is going to be a little bit buggy. We are actively working on this tool so if you do have an issue please post in the comments section below.

To use the tool:

1. Enter the URL of which you want to optimise and then tab to the next field. The tool will then scrape the existing title tag and meta description for that URL….this usually takes 3-5 seconds.

Note that not all sites are scrape-able so in some cases the tool will return an error if the scrape is blocked.

2. Once the title and meta description fields are pre-populated, you can then go ahead and make edits and the SERP preview will update dynamically as you type.


Snippet Preview

Warning: Title display in Google is limited to a fixed width, yours is too long.

The meta description will be limited to 156 chars, chars left.


Remember our Page Title & Meta Description Guidelines

  • Add the words “Buy” + “Online” to product page titles
  • Every product page needs a meta description.
  • Use capitalisation a the start of important words. Highlight power words like “FREE”, “HUGE” or “MASSIVE” with all caps.
  • Sell the sizzle! Treat the meta description like a mini sales letter with the goal of getting the click.
  • Power words can make a big difference, use them. There are whole books written on power worlds and plenty of blog articles on them if you do some quick Googling. Here are some examples: FREE, Fast, Insured, Nationwide, Buy Online, HUGE, Massive, Massive Range, Guaranteed, Big Range, Price Guarantee, Strong, High Power, Potent, Organic, Certified, 100%
  • Use all available space for the meta description where possible but don’t make it so long that it won’t fit in the field.
  • Don’t duplicate words, use the ampersand symbol instead of “and”. Generally speaking having the product name or a variation of the product name in the meta description will help CTR.
  • Leverage your edge over the competition by including a phone number in your meta description if appropriate. If your business isn’t pure ecommerce and you offer an online booking functionality where many competitors don’t include this too.


  • QuickTapSurvey

    Reply Reply November 22, 2016

    When training content writers on meta descriptions this is the link we send out.

  • jhonny tames

    Reply Reply December 8, 2017

    dose’nt this provide the automatically generated meta description

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