Yellowpages in Australia is dead

Yellowpages is dead.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you actually opened a Yellow Pages phone book to find a business?

Now, how many times in the last week have you used Google?

…beaten by Google, Facebook and Bing

Yellow Pages & Sensis business model is dead – they didn’t move quickly enough to adapt to a changing marketplace and have been beaten by Google, Facebook and Bing and a thousand other platforms on the internet. The only reason Sensis still exist is because some business owners haven’t moved quickly enough to embrace newer marketing platforms, techniques & strategies.

How fast are you moving?

Have you and your business moved with the changing marketplace?
Or are you still relying on traditional marketing methods like Yellow Pages advertising?

What will you do in 5 years time when Sensis stops distributing the Yellow Pages phone book?

Has your Sensis sales guy convinced you there’s still value in YellowPages advertising (and that he’ll have a job in 2 years time)?

Don’t believe me? Scroll down, take a look at the photos below, a familiar sight across the country.

If you’re looking to replace your Yellowpages advertising but not sure what to do, here’s a few places to start:


  • Avatar Of Damian Glass

    Damian Glass

    Reply Reply March 15, 2011

    Fairly ill-informed comments from someone who clearly doesn’t know or understand Yellow Pages or Sensis’ business model. Who else in Australia offers advertisers a presence across print, online, voice and mobile services, search engines and online mapping sites, new devices such as the iPhone, iPad, Android devices and Telstra’s T-Hub, and satellite navigation devices? For the record, visits to the Yellow Pages digital network now exceed seven million a month and continue to grow, and usage of the print directory still reaches several million searches a week. Sensis also has content sharing partnerships with Bing and Google. Dead? I wonder if the facilitator responsible for this workshop can offer attendees that sort of presence? Or at least when you talk to them about the Yellow Pages tell them the facts. Damian, Sensis Corporate Affairs.

    • Avatar Of Janet Jackson

      Janet Jackson

      Reply Reply February 9, 2012

      Oh My Goodness “Damian Glass”, just because you work there and are subject to the brainwashing that occurs every start-up to try to convince current employees that Sensis products still hold any relevance whatsoever, doesn’t mean the rest of us have to fork out an arm and a leg to keep your pay-cheques flowing! I worked there for 10 years from 1997-2007 and in that time I watched an inovative and fun business go down the gurgler due to the incompetence of both upper management and so-called marketing gurus who were so behind the times I cringed every time I tried to sell a clearly inferior product.

      And as for your clearly brainwashed arrogance, let’s just look at the latest figures (released today) – Sensis delivered an almost 25% drop in revenue today, for the first half of this financial year.

      Dead, you ask?

      Yes Dead, Ted!

  • Avatar Of Adam Fitzgerald

    Adam Fitzgerald

    Reply Reply March 17, 2011

    Was out at a client meeting yesterday. Self-confessed computer illiterate client of a multi-million $ business.

    And I quote:

    “I don’t think anyone uses Yellowpages anymore do they? We’ve advertised in my last three businesses, but always end up with the wrong customer type. Yellowpages is dead now anyway in Australia isn’t it?”

  • Avatar Of Not A Dinosaur

    Not A Dinosaur

    Reply Reply July 6, 2012

    @ Damian Glass – oh dear, another Sensis employee trawling the net in a vain attempt to counter the bad press Sensis so rightfully deserves! It’s sooooooo embarrassing! You say “Who else in Australia offers advertisers a presence across print, online, voice and mobile services, search engines and online mapping sites, new devices such as the iPhone, iPad, Android devices and Telstra’s T-Hub, and satellite navigation devices?” and to that I say “Who cares?!” You might be offering people a “presence” in all of those place, but that presence isn’t providing them with the solutions they are seeking! RETURN ON INVESTMENT! That’s what they want, that’s what they aren’t getting, and no amount of Pro-Sensis Propoganda is enough to convince them otherwise! Damian, from Sensis Corporate Affairs, I think you should start looking for a new job. And maybe go back to school!

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